Katarina and Travis 2014-07-12

The civil wedding between Katarina and Travis took place at Saturday, 15:00 at Haväng in Österlen. Österlen is the part of south Sweden with a coastline to the Baltic sea, and it is known for it´s unique nature and views. Check the maps below. The Haväng area is rich on artifacts from very old times in Swedish history, and the wedding actually took place in connection to the Haväng megalithic monument, or the "Havängsdösen" in swedish.

The weather was warm and nice, with light clouds and sunshine breaking through. The winds had been very strong in the morning, but slowed down to a comfortable strength at the time of the wedding. The wedding was actually followed by a unusually long period of very nice summer weather. Attending the wedding was friends and family from Sweden and USA. After the wedding ceremony, the festivities started at Tranesgården some kilometers into the countryside with dinner and live party music until next day....

Below you have a selection of portrait pictures and further below you can choose between different slide shows. You may need to update your browser. The resolution on the website is limited.



The Haväng megalithic monument

The Haväng monument is apr. 5500 years old and was discovered in the early 1800 century when a heavy storm blow the sand covering it, away. It was built during the young stone age as a grave for an important person.

The opening of the grave faces the point at the horizon of the Baltic sea, where the sun rises at spring and autumn equinox. The sun then lights the inner of the grave for 20 minutes. 


Pictures of Katrin and Travis taken at Haväng

Day before

Casual pics taken at Haväng 


Group pics taken at Haväng

Haväng where the wedding took place


The wedding cermony at Haväng


Pics from the party at Tranes- gården


Five jazz dudes playing cover

Tranesgården where the party took place

In the area of Österlen you can find many artifacts from old times and you will find many megalithic monuments, however, the one at Haväng  is one of the bigger.
The biggest and most known is "Ale Stenar" that has the stones set as a ship and is from the Vikinga period. Ales stenar is often mentioned as the the "Stonehenge of the north"